Legal Representation in IRS Audits

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Taxpayers facing an IRS audit often find themselves overwhelmed and uncertain about their rights and obligations. Hiring an IRS audit lawyer can provide several benefits, including:

– Expertise in Tax Law: Audit lawyers have a deep understanding of tax laws and regulations, enabling them to navigate the complex audit process effectively.

– Representation and Advocacy: Lawyers can represent taxpayers before the IRS, advocating for their interests and ensuring their rights are protected.

– Audit Preparation and Defense: Audit lawyers can assist in preparing for audits, gathering necessary documentation, and developing a defense strategy.

Qualifications and Experience of Audit Lawyers

When selecting an IRS audit lawyer, it’s crucial to consider their qualifications and experience. Look for lawyers with:

– Tax Law Expertise: Specialized knowledge in tax law, including income, estate, and business taxes.

– Audit Experience: Experience in representing taxpayers during IRS audits, handling various types of audits.

– Communication and Negotiation Skills: Strong communication and negotiation skills to effectively interact with the IRS on behalf of clients.

Role of Audit Lawyers in IRS Audits

Audit lawyers play a vital role in representing taxpayers during IRS audits. They:

– Review Audit Notices: Analyze IRS audit notices to determine the scope and nature of the audit.

– Prepare and Gather Documentation: Assist clients in gathering and organizing necessary documentation to support their tax positions.

– Attend Audit Meetings: Accompany clients to IRS audit meetings, providing legal guidance and representation.

– Negotiate with IRS Auditors: Negotiate with IRS auditors on behalf of clients, seeking favorable outcomes and minimizing tax liabilities.

– Appeal Audit Decisions: If necessary, represent clients in appealing audit decisions to the IRS Appeals Office or Tax Court.

Audit Resolution and Appeals

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Resolving an IRS audit involves working with the auditor to provide documentation and explanations to support the taxpayer’s position. The auditor will review the information and may request additional documentation or clarification. If the auditor agrees with the taxpayer’s position, the audit will be closed without further action. If the auditor disagrees, they will issue a proposed adjustment letter outlining the proposed changes to the taxpayer’s tax return.

Taxpayers have the right to appeal an audit decision by filing a formal protest with the IRS Appeals Office. The Appeals Office is an independent body within the IRS that reviews audit decisions and makes recommendations on whether to uphold or overturn the auditor’s findings. The taxpayer will have the opportunity to present their case to an Appeals Officer, who will consider the evidence and make a decision.


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